Ultimate Guide On Python Course In 2022

Python is in use for more than three decades yet its usefulness and significance in web and application development and in data science are incomparable.
Today it is one of the most widely used programming languages globally used by leading industries and enterprises.
When Python is so important then why don’t choose a course on Python training and explore this amazing field.
Course Overview
This extensive course includes learning Python architecture, basics of script, design philosophy, its applications, and packages.
In this course, you will learn the basics of Python like variables under Python, object-oriented programming, and how to control flow structures.
With that, you will also learn how to use Python’s object-oriented design and support libraries to build and deliver Python packages. Also, you will learn to unit test Python applications and discover the robust integration and text processing capabilities of Python.
You will learn to harness the impressive features of Python through which you can interface with most of the databases, document processing facilities, and web technologies.
This course is for software programmers, application developers, web developers, and anyone who wishes to pursue a career in programming and data science.
After completing this course you will master the key concepts of Python programming and will be able to write your own scripts.
You can write codes on your own and test their effectiveness and efficiency. Not only that but you will know after this course how you can write reusable and crisp codes.
With that, you can also use dictionaries and modules and work on errors and take care of exceptions. So you can make your code successful that can stand on any test.
Here you will get industry leaders as your mentors and 24 hours of online training sessions. In this course, you will get beginner-level to advance knowledge of Python and immersive hands-on learning.
All the sessions are very interactive and based on the learning by doing approach where your assignments will be based on real-time world problems so that you will be prepared for your future job roles and responsibilities.
Also, you will be provided with the latest resources including e-books, tutorials, webinars, conferences, and other such materials.
Course Content
As this is a very wide course in which first of all your fundamentals will be made clear then move forward with advanced level learning.
Also all the course curriculum is divided into several units that are made specially for easy and effective learn so that you can understand each and every relevant topic of the syllabus.
Each unit is well balanced with just appropriate topics and right amount of knowledge having a perfect blend of practical skills and theoretical knowledge.
Your units starts with,
Unit 1 – introduction
- Installations and different versions
- History of Python
- Its Usage
- Getting started with Python
- Interpreter PATH
- How to use an Interpreter
- How to run a Python Script
- Python Scripts on Windows/UNIX
- Python Editors and IDEs
- How to use Keywords and Variables
- Built-in functions
- What are Expressions, Strings, Different Literals, and Math Operators
- How to write to the screen
- What is String Formatting
- Command Line Parameters
Unit 2 – flow Control
- What is Flow Control
- Indenting and its importance
- The if and elif statements
- While loops
- How to use lists
- How to use the statement
- Range () function
Unit 3 – Sequence and File Operations
- Lists
- Tuples
- Indexing and Slicing
- How Iterate through a Sequence
- What are the Functions for all Sequence
- How to use Enumerate()
- What are Operators and Keywords used for Sequences
- The xrange() function
- List Comprehensions
- Generator Expressions
- Dictionaries and Sets
Unit 4 – functions
- What is Syntax of function with the definition
- Formal parameters
- Global vs. local variables
- Passing parameters and returning values
Unit 5 – Working with Files
- Text file I/O overview
- How to open a text file
- How to read a text file
- Raw (binary) data
- How to use the pickle module
- How to write a text file
Unit 6 – Errors and Exception
- How to deal with syntax errors
- What are Exceptions
- How to deal with exceptions with try/except
- How to clean up at the last stage
Unit 7 – dictionaries and Sets
- Dictionary overview
- How to create dictionaries
- What are Dictionary functions
- How to fetch keys or values
- How to test for the existence of elements
- How to delete elements
Unit 8 – Modules
- Import Statement
- Module Search Path
- Package Installation Ways
Unit 9 – Regular Expressions
- RE Objects
- Pattern matching
- Parsing data
- Subexpressions
- Complex substitutions
- RE tips and tricks
Unit 10 – object Oriented Programming in Python
- Introduction to Python Classes
- Defining Classes
- Initializers
- Instance Methods
- Properties
- Class Methods and Data
- Static Methods
- Private Methods and Inheritance
- Module Aliases and Regular Expressions
Thus you can see that through its wide range of topics each and everything related to Python is covered in the course.
For all the units different e – resources are provided with assignments and for all your assignments a proper assessment is given so that you can learn from your mistakes and improve them.
Before going with this course you should be familiar with the basic programming concepts and object-oriented concepts of programming. This will give you an extra hand during the course and you will learn quickly.
As Python is the favorite choice of the programmers and web and application developers due to its easy integration and stability it is always advisable to go with the flow.
When you choose a Python training course then you are not only choosing a high programming productivity language but also a bring job opportunity where you will be part of a professional developer’s community.
Today Python is helping people to build their careers where they are earning high payrolls and getting job offers from all around the world.
Python can be dynamically typed which makes it more comprehensive and usable by novice developers. It supports vast libraries, is portable, powerful, flexible, and used to learn, use and handle.
With that, some of its impressive functions are its ability to automate tasks, high–end productivity, and memory management. Because of all such diverse features, it becomes really helpful in programming.
Hence Python is all that you need to give your career wings and fly high.