Oktoberfest: A Guide To Surviving In The World’s Largest Beer Festival

Oktoberfest is one of the biggest beer festivals in the world, bringing millions of people from around the globe to Munich, Germany every year. It is held during a sixteen-day period from late September to early October, with beer halls open nightly. Each hall serves its own type of beer and food, and everyone seems dressed in their best lederhosen.
Keep reading the article to explore more about the Oktoberfest celebration and learn about lederhosen.
What is Oktoberfest?
The Munich Oktoberfest is the biggest public festival in the world. Each year, about 6 million visitors come to enjoy over 6 million gallons of beer during its 16 to 18-day run. If that doesn’t impress you, then the following numbers might: The daily consumption is about 1.2 million liters of beer, and there are 12 tents that can seat up to 14,000 people each.
The story of Oktoberfest begins with the marriage of Crown Prince Ludwig, who married Princess Therese in 1810. In honor of this occasion, the citizens of Munich were invited to attend festivities held in the fields in front of the city. The locals called these fields Wies’n, which means grass.
Since then, the festival has become a major event, especially in the last few decades, as more and more tourists have been attracted to it thanks to tours and cheap flights.
Oktoberfest expectations
Oktoberfest is famous for its beer and other alcoholic drinks, but there are also many events and activities for attendees of all ages. It’s a time for merrymaking and celebrating the German culture, with everything from rides and games to traditional German dances.
Men usually wear lederhosen, and women prefer wearing a dirndl, which is the traditional Oktoberfest costume.
In addition to the beer tents, you’ll find a carnival with games, rides, and even haunted houses. It’s a theme park in Anywhere USA experience. Everyone is dressed as Oktoberfest revelers, and it’s all about fun, friends, and beer.
Oktoberfest offers traditional Bavarian food, large decorated tents featuring live bands, a communal atmosphere conducive to friendship and joy, and large beer steins.
Cost at Oktoberfest
Admission to the tents is free. Beer typically costs 12 EUR, and most full meals go for 12–15 EUR. You can get snacks and small meals for around 5 EUR, or sausage and wurst for 5-6 EUR at many stands.
Reserving a table is free, but you must order food and drinks. For example, a reservation for 10 people requires about 2 beers and half a chicken. This is usually around 300 EUR.
Table reservation at Oktoberfest
All the tents have free tables throughout the day, with prime seating in the center of the tent. If you want to sit and eat there, you’ll need to make a reservation. You can make a reservation at the tents in advance by contacting them directly via email, phone, or fax. This is typically done between January and April. It’s important to note that tables fill up quickly, so you’ll want to make your reservations early.
List of Oktoberfest tent names
Oktoberfest has fourteen main beer tents, and each one has its own personality. Some attract Americans, others Australians, while others attract older Germans or rich celebrities. These are the fourteen major tents and what they’re like:
- Marstall
This tent holds over 3,000 people and is the newest addition to the event. It’s bigger and more modern than previous tents and caters to a younger crowd.
- Armbrustschützen-Festhalle
The most popular crossbow competition in the world is held in this tent every year.
- Hofbräu Festzelt
This is the most popular tent on the fairgrounds, especially among Americans, and is one of the biggest tents. It gets very busy, but we loved it.
- Hacker-Festhalle
This tent features a painted blue sky and white clouds on the ceiling that can open up, if the weather is nice, to show a real blue sky overhead.
- Schottenhamel
This is the oldest tent at Oktoberfest; it has room for over 10,000 people. The party gets started here every year, and it’s very popular with locals.
- Winzerer Fähndl
The Bavarian Beer Tent is the largest tent at Oktoberfest and can seat 11,000 people. It’s easily recognizable by its giant, rotating beer glass.
- Schützen-Festzelt
This tent is located off the main drag, and sometimes the crowds don’t make it here, so you can take advantage of the peace and quiet.
- Käfer’s Wies’n-Schänke
This tent has been a favorite of local and international celebrities for years. Its late-night hours have made it a hot spot for locals looking to party all night long.
- Fischer Vroni
If you’re tired of pork (the main dish in most tents), try fish from this tent.
- Ochsenbraterei
This family-owned tent has been serving authentic German food since 1881. It’s known for its ox dishes and its big brass band. It can fit over 2,000 people.
- Augustiner-Festhalle
This tent is considered by many to be the most family-friendly option, which is why it’s one of the hardest to get a table at.
- Pschorr-Bräurosl
The Heide family has been running this tent since 1901, and their yodeler is known across the Alps.
- Löwenbräu-Festhalle
This tent has an older crowd, but football players from the nearby town often come to party here.
- Weinzelt
The family-friendly tent has several offerings that are unusual for a Thai restaurant, including seafood, Thai food, and even wine.
Now, after reading all the details, you must be wondering about going to the coming Oktoberfest for sure. But wait, have you bought your lederhosen yet? If not, there is no need to worry. We have got you covered!
Where to buy lederhosen for Oktoberfest?
You’re sure to find the lederhosen of your dreams at Lederhosen Store, as they have a wide selection of traditional Bavarian style lederhosen, classic lederhosen, and modern-day lederhosen. They even have lederhosen shoes to go with your lederhosen! Find your perfect pair, then get ready to be the life of your own Oktoberfest party. Also, they have a lederhosen sale 2022 going on!
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