Famous TV Shows in South Africa — 3 Top Rated TV Shows

In ancient times people use to talk to each other and tell stories in their leisure time. However, Television Series are becoming popular as the world is moving towards digitalization and electronics.
Different nations have different taste and their likes and dislikes are also affected by the culture they live in. The taste also varies from person to person.
South Africans are also showing keen interest in their TV series. Their interest is mainly in the Soap Opera genre.
Do you know about the famous TV shows in South Africa? I will tell you about the 3 most popular TV shows in South Africa. So let’s start.
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1. Uzalo
Uzalo is the most viewed TV series drama in South Africa. The Series has a record-breaking viewership of 11,407,540. It is a crime drama written by Clive Madiya, Salah Sabiti, and others and is directed by SelloLetsatsi, SabeloNdlovu, FikileMogodi, and KgatontleMdleleni.
The first episode of the drama was released in 2015 and by the July of 2022, about 1845 episodes have been released. Moreover, it has 8 seasons and it is cast in the Zulu language originally however subtitles are provided in other languages as well.
The story of the drama started with two families whose elder sons were exchanged at their birth. The series has a historical background and depicts the time when Nelson Mandela was released from prison.
This side-by-side historic touch to the story fascinates its viewers. Being a Soap Opera, the drama is long, and as the story progresses many other characters are also introduced.
2. Generations‒ The Legacy
A drama series on SABC 1 channel of South Africa with the second most viewership of 9,544,765. The genre of this drama is also Soap opera. It is created by
MfundiVundla, and is written by many including Collin Oliphant, AndriesMahlatse Banda, and Antonia Reible.
The drama has 8 seasons and 1850 episodes. Moreover,the drama has multiple original languages including subtitles.
The drama has received the most positive remarks as the storyline deals with the backdrop of the advertising industry. It is an inspirational and motivating drama that enhances the hopes of South Africans regarding the hope of a better future.
3. SkeemSaam:
A Soap Opera was Produced and cast by South Africans. The TV Serial is placed at the 3rdposition in terms of viewership and popularity. The drama serial competes with Generation ‒ The Legacy and has almost 8,844,068 views.
The serial is created by Winnie Serite and is written by SebabatsoMofokeng (as the head writer) and others. SkeemSaam has 11 seasons and 2,350 episodes.
The original languages of the series are English, Zulu, and Sepedi. Moreover, the drama has starting and ending theme of Bone Fela by “Tuks”.
The plot of the drama serial deals with the people of Turfloop. It is concerned with the challenges and struggles of the people living there. Also, the depiction of rich and poor is there as both have different sorts of issues.
TV Channel SABC 1:
All of these top 3 serials are transmitted on SABC 1. Apart from these high-ranking 3 series, Xhosa News and Zulu News are also transmitted on this platform.
Both of these News channels have a viewership ranking of 4th and 5th position. Xhosa News has a viewership of 6,215,597 while Zulu News has about 6,014,041 viewers.
Last Words:
I have told you about the top 3 famous TV shows in South Africa. These most popular shows are all soap operas which shows that the public likes to have longer stories.
There is some historical touch in these series which also reveals the interest of the public. Moreover, people are also concerned with daily knowledge of day-to-day life. Therefore, the news channels have also got huge viewership.